Becoming a UK Franchisee

If you’re dedicated, driven, hard working, and looking for a challenging role which is both emotionally and financially rewarding, this childcare opportunity could be the business you have been waiting for. Childcare knowledge and experience isn’t necessary – what’s important is a commitment to work hard.

The journey to opening your nursery is one that requires detailed research and planning. We have done this many times before so we are well aware of the process required and will help you every step of the way.

A brief outline of your likely journey is:

  • Research – property search, local market and local competition
  • Planning – property design, financial models applying for finance and layouts
  • Recruitment – nursery manager and deputy staff recruitment
  • Marketing – local and online campaigns to raise awareness
  • Set Up – nursery refurbishment, pre-opening & launch day plan
  • Launch – nursery opening

This whole process can take anything from as quick as 3 months to as long as 12-18 months but the average is about 6-9 months from initial enquiry. From the point of securing your property we have a step by step ‘Getting Started’ process to guide you through all the things you need to do and wouldn’t necessarily remember or know to do if you were doing it on your own. Once your nursery is open you will then start our nurturing and ongoing support journey to maximise potential and success.

Support & Training

Evolution Childcare is a nursery franchise with a big difference. The Evolution Childcare Group have just been awarded the Nursery Management Today’s prestigious Training and Development Award.

Once you are selected by our Franchise Director and the Management team – and this is no mean feat believe me as we carefully select the right individuals who we believe will work as hard as we do to ensure their business is successful; you are then part of the team, lock stock and barrel. We literally take you under our wing and guide you every step of the way to enable you to make informed choices as we support you to be the very best.

Evolution Childcare are very different to others. We don’t take your money and run – we have a successful business on our own. We help you achieve the same successes we have, through focusing on key areas of your business and keeping clear and focused we will help you become the best provider you can possibly be so you too can emulate the vision and ensure that all children receive the best possible start in life.

To us there is nothing more important than the support and training we can and will give you. As a franchisee you will be in charge of your business but you won’t be left alone – with direct access to the Franchise Director and team you can rest assured that should you need any help or guidance at any time there will always be someone there to help. In addition to pure reactive support, once you are set up we will also plan out structured and regular one to one meetings to review your business, goals, aims and targets.

Our initial support is focused around the following key areas:

  • Initial assessment of you, your situation and locality of interest
  • Initial review of property
  • Internal property lay out plan, fit out costs and potential returns
  • Financial model creation, business plan writing and bank submittal
  • Nursery manager and deputy staff recruitment
  • Marketing
  • Working towards the launch and open day
  • Comprehensive induction training
  • Ongoing owner support, development and training
  • Continuous professional development opportunities for your Nursery Manager and staff team

Our ongoing support will include a full walk round audit of your nursery within the first 90 days of opening. This audit is part of the Evolution Childcare 1,000 point checklist which your nursery manager will continue to manage thereafter. This audit is comprehensive and hugely important because it will help underpin and prepare your business for its first Ofsted inspection where your nursery will be graded.

If this sounds interesting to you and you would like to find out more, please fill out our contact form and we will be in touch.