News / Blog

A Visit From Oates Recovery!

23 August 2024

What a lovely visit The Stables had from Oates Recovery Ltd today!! Our Reception children went out to meet the lovely drivers and their HUGE recovery vehicles! 

Read more

19 August 2024

Mark Making With Gloop!

This morning the children at Blackbrook Nursery have enjoyed making some gloop to mark make and practice name writing! 

16 August 2024

Early Learners Make An Ice Cream Parlour!

Our Kalgarth Grange Early Learners have been very busy this week in the garden, where the children have enjoyed making an ice cream parlour. 

16 August 2024

A Planting Day!

The Reception children at The Abbey became very curious when they spotted the planting that Early Learner children had done. In response, the Reception room gathered the resources needed and completed their own planting activity. 

14 August 2024

Rice Pudding Day!

A small group of Reception children from The Willows joined Chef Danielle in the kitchen to help make a yummy treat for after lunch. 

6 May 2024

Home-Made Fun!

Here are some easy recipes for some fantastic home-made fun!

1 April 2024

Happy St David's Day!

Today each room at The Willows explored with the colour yellow, decorating pictures using collage pieces and even using daffodils to create their own pictures in celebration of St David's Day!

12 March 2024

A Question of Science!

One of the Reception children at The Abbey asked their Mummy on the way to nursery, "What happens if you put blue tac in water?" The Reception room decided to do a little impromptu experiment to show the children what would happen!

11 March 2024

Mother's Day Celebrations

What a wonderful turnout we had for our Mother's Day tea party at The Stables today! 

25 February 2024

Let's Go Outside!

Today the Reception room at The Stables took their PE lesson outside. The children enjoyed doing stretches and warm ups, extending their physical development skills and using stopwatches to time their friends running around the garden!

31 January 2024

Celebrating Differences

Today, Reception staff at The Abbey in Northwich have been focusing on supporting the children's personal, emotional and social skills. This activity follows a feelings box session yesterday, where staff and children looked at a focussed emotions story and then had conversations about how they felt and why.

30 January 2024

We're Going On A Bear Hunt

"We're going on a bear hunt, we're going to catch a big one... we're not scared!" 

12 December 2023

Our Elf Run!

The Elf run has well and truly started at The Abbey today!


12 December 2023

Polar Express Day!

Today it was Polar Express day at Blackbrook, and we have all had so much fun!

11 December 2023

Dear Santa!

Today the children will be hard at work writing their letters to Father Christmas! 

3 November 2023

Bonfire Bonanza!

Today our Early Learners at Kalgarth Grange have been enjoying some Bonfire night treats!

The children loved reading Room on the Broom before they all got stuck in, mixing dough and making sparkler biscuits! They then focussed on story sequencing, and used their recall to tell us what happens next in their story, before using their imaginations to make the story even better! 

1 November 2023

Pumpkin Time!

Lets give 'em pumpkin to talk about!

Check out The Stables Nursery's amazing gallery of pumpkins! Well done everybody, they are all so good!!

20 September 2023

Autumn Leaves

"Autumn leaves are falling down, falling down, falling down, Autumn leaves are falling down, red, orange and brown!"

19 September 2023

A Pirate's Life!

Yo ho ho, a pirate's life for me! 🏴‍☠️

What a magical day we have had at The Stables Nursery School. We have walked the plank and created our very own shipwreck!

2 August 2023

Junk Modelling Day!

Yesterday was junk modelling day at Kalgarth Grange! 

12 June 2023

Whitley Village Rose Queen

This year The Stables were lucky enough to be invited to the Whitley Village Rose Queen and yesterday some of our Reception children took part in the parade. 

27 April 2023

National Story Telling Day

Happy National Story Telling Day!

19 April 2023

National Early Years Teacher Day

Happy National Early Years Teacher Day!

10 April 2023

Easter Bonnet Winner!

Staff and children at The Stables had a fantastic time making and showing off our Easter bonnets last week. The creations were so good that the Easter bunny came to take a look and deliver a few tasty treats! Read more to find out who won our Easter bonnet competition...

9 March 2023

Special Visitors!

We had some special visitors to The Abbey today!

2 March 2023

World Book Day 2023

Well done to our amazing team and to all the children at The Stables in Whitley for putting so much effort into their fantastic costumes for World Book Day!

20 January 2023

Snow Fun!

Not only did the snow provide an impromptu learning session for the children at The Abbey, it also gave Manager Bethan an impromptu staff observation opportunity that she couldn't miss! Here are some notes from her observation...


13 January 2023

Fruit Tasting Day!

Yesterday was fruit tasting day!

The Reception children at The Stables went out to have a look in the planters to see if they could find any fruit and vegetables that may have been growing in them. The children enjoyed communicating with each other, talking about what they had found and helping each other to dig up the potatoes. They used their mathematical skills to compare sizes and weight, and discussed how long they thought they may have been growing for.

The children talked about how the potatoes were created and what they thought would have been needed in the environment to help them grow. We could tell the children had been listening to our conversations last year as most of them knew that the rain and the sunshine had helped to create everything in our planters, along with a little help from our budding gardeners of course!!

29 November 2022

Ready, Steady, Go!

The children at Blackbrook have had lots of fun in the garden this morning racing the cars down the slide! They used their sharing skills and they each took turns to have a race against one of their friends.

25 November 2022

Christmas is Coming!

On Friday night the elves at The Stables were very busy making sure that the Nursery was prepared for next week's festive fun to begin...!

24 September 2022

Learning Makaton

Today our Early Learners took part in practicing their Makaton for 'Day of Sign Languages'. Each week we practice a different Makaton sign, following our 52 week programme. This week our word is 'sister'.

23 September 2022

We Are Recruiting!

Evolution Childcare are recruiting for Qualified Childcare Practitioners.

Are you are looking for a new challenge or the next step in your career?

23 September 2022

Happy Friday

Happy Friday, take a look at some of the fun we have had over the past week or so!

9 August 2022

We Will Miss You Class Of 2022!

Our School Leavers at The Willows had such a fun afternoon/evening at the graduation party!! There was lots of laughter, giggles, smiles, games, dancing, songs and a whole lot of food!

5 August 2022

Fun Fun Fun

Look at all of the fun the children at The Abbey have been having in nursery recently!

3 August 2022


Over the past few weeks our reception children at Kalgarth Grange have been learning all about the life cycle of a butterfly - with help from our own special butterflies!

1 August 2022

The Tiger That Came For Tea

Look who joined us for tea at The Stables today!

30 June 2022

Fun in the Garden!

The weather has been fantastic this week and the toddlers at The Willows have been spending lots of time outside, exploring and having fun in their lovely garden.

22 June 2022

Practising Our Fire Drill

Today the children at The Abbey participated in a practise fire drill. We complete these on a regular basis, and as part of our new staff training induction.

22 June 2022

A Great Day for a Picnic!

The Preschool children at Newton House have been very independent today and have been practising their self-help skills by making their own sandwiches!

21 June 2022

Garden Fun

What a fantastic morning we have had at Blackbrook today! This morning whilst in the garden, we explored mixing colours when making marks on the easel. We also learnt that we could create marks and shapes in the sand using different tools.

20 June 2022

Sports Day 2022!

We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who joined us at Kalgarth Grange's Sports Day on Saturday!

17 June 2022

Enjoying The Sunshine!

Our Early Learners at The Stables in Whitley have been enjoying the sunshine over the last few days. We have been making the most of our beautiful outdoor area, taking our learning outdoors.

11 May 2022

A Busy Week On The Farm!

What a brilliant week at the farm we are having so far in our Reception room at Blackbrook in Padgate!

6 May 2022

Cinco De Mayo Celebrations

Yesterday the children and staff at The Willows celebrated Cinco De Mayo.

The babies celebrated by playing with a tuff tray with lots of different red, white and green resources and shredded paper. Meanwhile, the toddlers created their own Mexican flag using red, white and green paint and played with a variety of red, white and green textured toys.

6 May 2022

A Busy Week At The Abbey

It's been a very busy week at The Abbey and we have all had lots of fun! The babies have been extending their exploration during messy play and have shown particular interest in the shaving foam!

15 April 2022

The Easter Bunny Visits Kalgarth Grange!

It’s almost as exciting as Christmas! The Easter Bunny paid a very special visit to Kalgarth Grange today...

14 April 2022

Easter Bonnet Competition!

The children at The Stables have been very creative with their Easter bonnets this year! 

4 April 2022

The Four Guiding Principles

Here at Evolution Childcare, we thoroughly understand the four guiding principles which shape an early years setting.

1 April 2022

Exploring Weight & Measure

Yesterday, the Reception children at The Willows were busy exploring weight and measure! They began by seeing what they could do with the resources. Some started by filling and emptying, while others were stacking and balancing.

1 April 2022

Fun in the Garden

Our Early Learners at Blackbrook in Padgate had so much fun in the garden today! We have been using our physical skills to ride on the bikes, negotiating the space we have and moving around obstacles.

1 April 2022

Baking Cookies!

Today was the perfect day to bake cookies! The children at Newton House used their motor skills to make some delicious biscuits...

22 March 2022

Water Fun!

The Early Learner room at The Stables have had lots of fun today celebrating National Water Day. The children washed the baby dolls in bubbly warm water, created an under-the-sea Happyland village and explored using pipettes to add drops of water to mirrors to make their faces look funny and wobbly!

18 March 2022

Comic Relief 2022

What a lovely day the Reception children at Kalgarth Grange have had celebrating Comic Relief! We have made our own biscuits, developing our mathematics skills through measuring and mixing our own ingredients. 

3 March 2022

World Book Day 2022

The children have had a lovely day today celebrating World Book Day!

28 January 2022

A Fun Week of Learning

What a fun week of learning we've had at The Abbey this week! 

27 January 2022

Making Rainbows!

The Reception children at The Stables have had lots of fun this afternoon with some colourful science activities!

27 January 2022

A Busy Week at the Willows!

What a week the children at The Willows have had so far!

20 January 2022

Making Gruffalos!

What a lovely day we have been having in our baby room at Kalgarth Grange! We have been hard at work making and painting our own Gruffalo salt dough ornaments this afternoon. 

6 January 2022

Big Schools' Birdwatch

Yesterday was the start of the 'RSPB Big Schools' Birdwatch'. Why don't you join in at home? Here is a check list with a few questions you might ask your child to support your child's learning at home. 

17 December 2021

Some Very Special Visitors!

We have had so many special visitors this week coming to say hello to the children at our nurseries!

19 November 2021

Children In Need

This week was all about Children In Need!

18 November 2021

Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse!

Did you know that's its Mickey Mouse birthday today?

20 October 2021

A Special Report on Franchising

Evolution Childcare owner, Sue Jones, called upon her considerable experience in the field to contribute to a special report on Franchising in October's issue of Nursery World online magazine.

20 September 2021

An Afternoon Tea

With the start of British Food Week, Kalgarth Grange's chef Angela treated staff and children to a traditional British afternoon tea! Everything was homemade and looked and tasted absolutely delicious.

20 September 2021

Ooo Arrr It's Pirate Day!

Ooooo arrrrr! The children at The Stables in Whitley have been very busy being pirates for International Pirates Day. Everybody had so much fun taking part in lots of pirate-themed activities.

17 September 2021

Dogs, Doodles and Banana Splits!

What a busy few days the children have had at Newton House! They have been celebrating National Dog Day, Doodle Day and the all-time favourite, National Banana Split Day!

20 August 2021

Little Green Fingers!

Over the past few weeks our lovely Linda has been spending time planting fruit and vegetables in our planting areas at The Stables and the children have been watering them to help them grow.

2 July 2021

A Busy Week for Reception at The Stables!

The Reception Room at The Stables have had a busy week this week celebrating Children's Art Week, Wimbledon and nursery being back open for one whole year since lockdown!

30 June 2021

I Scream for Ice Cream!

Happy Creative Ice Cream Flavours Day! Last week, in honour of this special treats day, our Warrington Nursery, The Willows set a challenge for all children and caregivers to create a new ice cream flavour at home using vanilla as a base. We are delighted to announce we have had our first entry into the competition!

24 May 2021

The Blackbrook Butterflies!

A month ago, Blackbrook (our nursery in Padgate), had a very special caterpillar delivery for the Early Learner and Reception children! Five little baby caterpillars arrived in their own special food container, which had everything they needed to grow and transform into beautiful butterflies. Everybody was very excited to start learning all about a caterpillar's life cycle and watching them all grow and change each day.

21 April 2021

Spiders, Penguins & Dinosaurs! Oh My!

We certainly had a lot to smile about this week at Evolution Childcare! What a week we have had building animal dens, making and colouring pictures of birds, spiders and penguins... and we even had a visit from a friendly T-Rex for Prehistoric Day! Rawr!

12 March 2021

Bugs, Mud, Mums and Makaton!

What a wonderful week it has been! The children have been very busy, going on bug hunts, enjoying messy play, dressing up as our Mums, practising Makaton, and enjoying the lovely warm sunshine out in the lovely gardens!

12 February 2021

What a busy week!

To celebrate Chinese New Year the children have been participating in a variety of different activities today.

20 January 2021

Happy Penguin Awareness Day!

The children at Blackbrook Nursery had a fun day today for Penguin Awareness Day! Did you know that there are 18 different species of penguins? And some are now endangered!

Today the children will be learned and researched about penguins and their habitats and used black, white and orange playdough to create our own playdough penguins. They stretched and pulled, prodded and poked to create their desired shapes. They also mixed the colours together and discovered that black and white made grey.

18 January 2021

Everybody Loves Winnie The Pooh!

Today the children at Newton House Nursery have been using their creative skills and making Winnie the Pooh masks! They used yellow paint and pom poms to make Pooh Bear's face.

15 January 2021

Friday Already?

How can it be Friday already??!!

At The Stables in Whitley, the children have had a very busy week! They have been joining in with events for Penguin Day, foods from around the world day and kindness day today as well as many more fun things.

8 January 2021

At The Car Wash

This morning the Toddlers at The Willows Nursery in Warrinton Town Centre have been enjoying playing in the water washing the cars. They seemed to enjoy doing this as well as splashing in the water!! 

22 December 2020

Merry Christmas & Fingers Crossed for 2021!

Well what a year 2020 has been. It's brought challenges none of us have had to face before but we are so proud of how we have all pulled together as a team, as an industry and as a country to somehow make it to Christmas, whatever that may look like this year. We hope that you all have a very happy Christmas Day and we are all looking forward to a happier and healthier 2021.

Remember, don't look back, you're not going that way...

19 December 2020

A Happy Christmas Song!

It's really sad that we haven't been able to hold our usual nativity and carol concerts this year. Instead the children at The Stables have created their very own videos in their smaller bubbles to share with you over the next few days in the lead up to Christmas.

13 November 2020

Bedtime Stories

It's Friday night and it's time for our bedtime stories.

This week's stories are "My Friend Bear", read by our Stables Assistant Deputy Manager, Sara, and "We're Going On A Bear Hunt" read by our Blackbrook Nursery Manager Danielle.

7 October 2020

Science Week!

It's Science Week this week and to celebrate, the children at The Willows have been enjoying taking part in some amazing experiments.

6 October 2020

Our Super Spectacular Space Day!

Today the children at Blackbrook have been learning all about space! They used books to learn about the different planets in our solar system and created their own Aliens with glue and coloured paper. They also turned the lights off and used their torches and binoculars and blasted into space. They used their imaginations and decided to fly to the moon!

5 October 2020

Happy Teacher's Day!

Happy Teacher's Day everybody!

To celebrate, the Reception children at Kalgarth Grange have written a wonderful poem about their lovely teacher Chantelle!

2 October 2020

Sensory Week in the Baby Room

This week the babies at The Stables have been exploring with textures and have loved being involved in sensory play of all kinds. The children especially loved jelly play and being able to feel it between their fingers. 

1 October 2020


Did you know there are many uses for playdough? It helps to develop our fine motor skills as well as our hand-eye coordination. It's calming for children and encourages creativity as well as social skills and it can also be used to support and promote both literacy and mathematical skills.

21 August 2020

What A Busy Week!

What a busy week we have had at The Abbey! We have been so busy we cannot believe that it is Friday already. Have a little look at some of the fun activities we have done within nursery this week.

17 August 2020

I Love My Feet Day!

Today at The Willows the children have been working on their own foot creations to celebrate National I Love My Feet Day!

10 August 2020

Time To Say Goodbye

On Friday we said Goodbye to our Stables Reception superstars of 2020. We had a festival theme seeing as there haven't been any this year. There was not a dry eye in the house and when the parents came to collect the children we saw a few tears then too.

7 August 2020

Circle Time

The children at Kalgarth Grange have been having a lot of fun this week playing different circle games.

Our Early Learners have been using their physical skills and listening skills to shake our multi-coloured parachute up and down, high and low, whilst trying to keep the balls on the parachute. We also worked on our communication skills and took turns using the slide, asking for our turn and waiting patiently for our friends to slide down.

10 July 2020

Love To Learn

The Reception Room at The Stables have had so much fun with their learning this week with their topic of "Transport".

The children have been focussing on boats and have been incorporating letter and name recognition into their activities. They have been on trips to the "beach" to go on treasure hunts and find letters for their names, and they have also been exercising their fine motor skills by creating tracks and waterways for the vehicles and boats.

25 February 2020

Bake with Blackbrook!

Blackbrook Nursery in Padgate have some exciting news!

Each month they will be holding a FREE Let's Bake with Blackbrook Session! The first session will be on Friday 6th March at 10am. There are limited spaces available for 2- 4 year olds so don't waste any time, get booked on today!

11 February 2020

Stay & Play

The Stables Stay & Play sessions are back!

This Friday's session is Valentines themed. Your child doesn't need to be attending the Nursery to come along and all sessions are free for children 0-2 years of age. If you would like to come along all you need to do is call The Stables on 01925 730055 to secure your place.

28 January 2020

A Great Start To 2020

2020 is starting well...

We are delighted to be named as a finalist for the Rising Star Award at the Greater China Awards!

3 December 2019

A Christmas Visit

It looks like the Christmas Elves and Fairies must have heard about all the exciting Christmas games and activities that are happening at the Evolution Childcare nurseries over the next few weeks...


4 November 2019

A Spooktacular Week at Evolution Childcare

What a week we had for Halloween at Evolution Childcare.

We have had so many weird and wonderful costumes, pumpkins activities and food, we had to share some of our photos from some of our Nurseries...


24 September 2019

Vote for Leanne!

We are very proud to announce that Leanne, our wonderful manager at Evolution Childcare @ The Stables has been shortlisted for the National Nursery Recognition Awards, for the category of Personality Of The Year!

These prestigous National Awards give recognition to the best nurseries and nursery staff across the UK. The finalists were decided by an independent panel of judges, but the winners are decided by YOU!

10 September 2019

Our Chinese Graduates

Our nursery setting in Hangzhou, China is now open and in full swing.

In fact, we have already had our first set of summer graduates! Time flies when you are having fun...

23 August 2019

A Million Dreams

There was not a dry eye at The Stables today as we say goodbye to the Graduating Class of 2019.

It has been a pleasure to look after each and every child, many we have known since they started in the baby room, helping them all to grow into the wonderful little people they have all become. Each child has a special place in our hearts and we will not forget any of them.

16 July 2019

First Aid Refresher

Our dedicated staff at Evolution Childcare have been refreshing and gaining new skills this week for the first day of their 12 hours course.


10 June 2019

Evolution Childcare Grand Opening in China!

We are so excited about our new Evolution Childcare nursery opening in Hangzhou in China.

20 May 2019

It's British Sandwich Week!

The Early Learners at The Stables (our Whitley nursery), had a wonderful time making their own sandwiches for tea today for British Sandwich Week!

What a wonderful way to introduce self help skills and decision making.

14 May 2019

New Nursery in Padgate Opening in September!

We are very excited to announce that Blackbrook, our new nursery in Padgate, Warrington will be opening in September!

23 April 2019

Happy Easter!

It has been a fun-packed fortnight at Evolution Childcare!

Our Nurseries have all been very busy taking part in lots of Easter activities, from Easter Bonnet competitions and parades, to making chocolate nests and marshmallow cakes, decorating and hunting Easter eggs, egg and spoon races... and to top it all off, the Easter Bunny hopped over to visit the children to give out lots of yummy chocolate treats!

11 March 2019

World Book Day 2019

The 7th March was World Book Day. We celebrated across the Nurseries by dressing up as our favourite story book characters.

26 February 2019

Adventures Down Memory Lane

Watch this space, something very special is coming soon!

Evolution Childcare's multi-talented owner, Sue Jones has written a lovely series of educational story books, beautifully illustrated by Sue's childhood friend Emma Bryan.

30 January 2019

Evolution Childcare is expanding!

We are delighted to announce that this year we will be adding two more Nurseries to our Corporate Nursery arm in Cheshire.

We are excited to share our expansion news and will be looking for some very talented individuals to be part of our fantastic and dedicated team.


29 January 2019

New Nursery Coming Soon...

We are thrilled to announce our latest Nursery Franchise will be opening in the UK this Year.

28 January 2019

Another Award for Evolution Childcare!

Celebrations are in full swing here at Evolution Childcare HQ.

On Saturday we were crowned winners of the Nursery Group Recognition Award at the National Nursery Recognition Awards, held at the Athena venue in Leicester.


14 January 2019

A Fun-Filled Week & A Very Important Birthday!

It's been a fun-filled January so far at Evolution Childcare, and we've had a very special Birthday to celebrate!

1 January 2019

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you all from the Evolution Childcare Family!

What a year 2018 proved to be! We have lots of exciting things to look forward to in 2019 and we can't wait to get started...


27 November 2018

Would you like to teach in Hangzhou, China?

An exciting job opportunity has arisen for a Nursery Manager to join the Evolution Childcare Team in Hangzhou in China.


5 November 2018

Happy Halloween from Evolution Childcare!

What a busy Halloween we have had at Evolution Childcare!

All the children and staff have been very busy taking part in lots of Halloween-themed activities, competitions, science experiments and even spooktastic yoga sessions!

Here is a selection of photos from our North West nurseries...

16 October 2018

We Are National Awards Finalists!

We are delighted to announce that we are finalists in the Nursery Group Recognition Category for this year's National Nursery Recognition Awards!

Now we need your help!

16 August 2018

Congratulations Shadsworth!

Congratulations to our Blackburn franchise, Evolution Childcare @ Shadsworth Business Park for achieving Outstanding following their first Ofsted inspection.

5 July 2018

Evolution Childcare to launch nurseries in China


XI LU and LUJIE FAN Directors of YING FU SHENG CORPORATE MANAGEMENT LIMITED have signed an exclusive master license franchise agreement with Evolution Childcare, the multi-award winning childcare provider in the UK to offer outstanding British Curriculum Education for children aged 4 weeks to 6 years across China. The first nursery is scheduled to open in September 2019.

24 May 2018

The Ladybird's Worldwide Adventures So Far!

This summer at The Stables we are going to be learning all about the World with the help of our favourite book, What The Ladybird Heard, by Julia Donaldson.

The ladybird has been very busy, flying around the world, listening for news to share with us!

We have been asking family and friends of The Stables to send postcards to our nursery from around the world with the words “I am the ladybird and I heard…” with a sentence telling us about the country or city the postcard was sent from. We will pin our postcards to our world map to see just how far our ladybird has travelled!

23 June 2017

Scholars House Open Day!

Thank you to everyone that came to celebrate Evolution Childcare @ Scholars House's official open day in Wolverhampton last week.

16 June 2017

The Stables Has A New Dance & Sensory Room!

We are very excited to announce that The Stables' dance and sensory room is officially open!!!!

9 May 2017

A Boy Like Ted


the action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure:
"they have been selected for inclusion in the scheme"

30 April 2017

Congratulations Shadsworth!

Congratulations and good luck to Sarah and the Team at Shadsworth Business Park – they have been shortlisted for The Newcomer Award at the 2017 Hive Awards!

10 October 2014

More Awards for Evolution Childcare!

This year our Founder and Owner Sue Jones was awarded the accolade of the ‘Power 20’ which is an award given to the 20 most influential people in the UK for their contribution to the Childcare industry.  Sue attended a glitzy awards evening where she accepted the award from Barclays Bank and Nursery Management Today Magazine.