Children In Need

19 November 2021

This week was all about Children In Need!

At Kalgarth Grange, the staff and children held a very successful cake sale and had lots of fun with a "Sponge The Teacher" Day! The Early Learner children used all their muscles, throwing their sponges at Emily and Sam, and the Reception children had a go as well and proved how strong they are, and how good they were at aiming (at Claire and Chan!). There were lots of giggles all round, even from the soaking wet staff (as you can see from the videos below)!!

Over at The Abbey in Northwich, the children wore pyjamas to nursery and had fun taking part in lots of Pudsey-themed crafts and activities, including making their very own Pudsey masks!

Over at The Stables in Whitley, the children had fun with balloons, and loved making their own Pudsey bears. Lots of money was raised by making the staff team dance or sing around the Nursery!!

Thank you so much to everybody who contributed to our fund raising events! Your support is, as always, very much appreciated!

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