Meet Our Team

Sue Jones

Sue Jones

Managing Director

Teamwork makes the dream work and in a small family run business its essential that our Team share the same goals, visions and work ethics to enable us to reach our dream together, after all in our working lives we will:

  • Spend 136 days getting ready - actually I may take a little longer!
  • Spend 3,276 hours applying make-up, having a shower and getting dressed. Unless you are Anne who skips this and uses the hours gained for domino competitions and dog rehoming!
  • Spend a whopping 99,117hrs at work - That's the equivalent of 11 and a half years of solid slog!!
  • Spend 115 days laughing
  • Spend 4yrs on the phone at work - and I have the bills to prove it!
  • Spend 366 days off sick - apart from Kerry who refuses point blank to EVER admit defeat to bugs!
  • Spend 5months complaining - Bernie perhaps we should double this???
  • Spend 5yrs on the net - Sue more and Kerry aka Super savvy shopper LOTS longer!

Startling stats! Well in Evolution Childcare we really have developed a strong solid team of misfits - sorry talented individuals whose credentials are second to none. Our team work incredibly hard to go that extra mile to support our parents, nurture our team and guide our staff to be the very best they can be! I am incredibly proud to be an integral part of this wonderful team, where work doesn't feel like work and each day the challenges that lie ahead are tackled together, wholeheartedly supporting one another.

Quite simply when you love the job you do and so do the likeminded people around you, you never feel like it's a 'job' it's a journey we are all on together!

It gives me great pleasure to introduce my team to you (no airbrushing was allowed!)

Kind Regards

Sue xxxxx

(Chief of most things but not very good at washing coffee cups or taking bins out!)

Kerry Eccles

Operations Director

I have worked for Evolution Childcare for over 21 years starting off as an Assistant Manager progressing my career to where I am today. I have an abundance of qualifications and training certificates that all provide me with the skill set and knowledge to carry out my role well. 

My job involves me writing and developing our policies, procedures and operational documents to ensure that we continue to excel in the childcare sector. I also am responsible for writing and overviewing the training and staff development of our team ensuring that we provide quality childcare, care, education and learning environments to each and every child who attends our settings.

Sue Shovelton

Group Manager

I joined Evolution Childcare in 2002 as an Early Learner Room Practitioner. Throughout the last 22 years I have progressed my career through management to my current position as a Group Manager. During my time as the manager of Willows Nursery School, I gained a lot of experience and knowledge. I worked closely with families supporting their individual needs and developing my teams individual training and knowledge. In 2009 together we successfully gained an a Outstanding grade from 2009 to date.

During my career I have gained an abundance of experience and qualifications including gaining my proudest moment when I gained a Foundation degree in Early Years. My role now includes supporting each of our nursery teams, staff development and training in providing quality childcare, care, education and learning environments to each and every child who attends our settings.


SEND Co-ordinator 

During my childcare career, I have worked in private day nurseries mainly with children 3-5 years of age. I joined Evolution Childcare The Willows in May 2010 as a childcare practitioner and was promoted to Room Manager of Reception in 2012. Over the years I have gained experience and qualifications to support my role in education & learning environments, and in my own personal development I have completed a team leadership qualification. I have true passion to provide a fun, caring and educational environment for all children in my care to help them develop to the best of their abilities. With my team we support children and families as they make the transition to primary school. I have a BTEC qualification in childcare, I am paediatric first aid trained and have up-to-date safeguarding and food safety certificates.

I am currently our nursery SEND co-ordinator at The Willows, and over the years I have gained both experience and qualifications for working with children who need additional support. This gives me the ability to adapt my skills to work with a variety of children and families to enhance their learning and development.

Louise Quinn

Louise Quinn

Finance Manager

I have worked for Evolution Childcare for four years now and can honestly say the time has flown by but as the saying goes “time flies when you’re having fun”.

I have worked in the accounts/finance industry for over 15 years so have brought lots of experience and knowledge which enables me to do my job well.

My job role: I am responsible for ensuring that all 4 nurseries accounts are reconciled and maintained, cash flows, budgets, management accounts, end of year accounts, payroll, supplier payment runs, and dealing with supplier and customer queries.

Other duties include liaising with our Franchisees, raising invoices and anything else that Sue delegates my way.

Rebecca Brocklehurst

Rebecca Brocklehurst

Digital Marketing Consultant

I am a consultant digital marketer with One North West, a marketing and technology agency based in Cheshire.

I build and maintain all of the Evolution Childcare group websites, run digital marketing campaigns and provide monthly analytics reports to demonstrate the return on investment of the various digital marketing activities the group undertakes.

I have two boys who are both at The Stables nursery setting in Lower Whitley and it's lovely to be working alongside the fabulous staff at Evolution Childcare HQ.